What excites you the most in tech right now? Please discuss

Chris Noring - Apr 10 '19 - - Dev Community

Having been in the IT industry, as a developer, since 2005 it's easy to think that I would by now think software development and different frameworks should start to feel old and that I would look at other things.

Strangely enough, it doesn't. I'm actually more excited and keen on learning than ever. Let me explain what makes me excited and why and I would also love to hear what makes you excited and make you want to come to work in the morning or test something out in a hobby project

So here's my list:

  • DevOps, this is a huge area but WOW am I excited. I've been in the business long enough to remember the dark days of it taking 1-2 weeks to set your machine up. You coded and tested things on Dev and/or Staging and of course, something was different in Production. Or you handed over some zip files and scripts to Ops and you didn't hear from them again until 3-4 weeks later or worse, oh boy that context switch was painful to try to remember what you coded and how to fix it :) With containers and being able to scale your apps with things like Kubernetes it feels like most of the pain is gone and focus is where it should be - deliver software

  • Cloud, I have to admit, I wasn't always super pumped about it. In it's early days no one used it. Customers were suspicious and the Cloud Admin tools changed the appearance on almost a weekly basis. Now, however, everything has changed, large adaption, it has matured the things you can do with scaling, ML, Serverless, just amazing...

  • Javascript, and its ecosystem. Yes, a lot of people complain that some Javascript frameworks have less longevity than certain milk products ( it's funny cause it's true ). However, the rate of change, the language itself is evolving, the feeling of it being light-weight yet powerful. I love everything about it, the whole full stack.

  • Machine Learning. The things you can do today with Machine Learning that wasn't possible a few years ago, because of the Cloud and other things. Machine Learning is available even for Developers with Cognitive Services and even then I want more.. I never thought I would say this but I want to know everything, even the Math behind it.

This many years as a Developer, I feel like a kid in a candy store, so many things...

That's my story, tell me yours?

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