Steps to create Upgradeable Smart Contract 🚀🔥

sourav maji - Dec 26 '23 - - Dev Community

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts stand as the backbone of decentralized applications (DApps). These self-executing contracts facilitate trustless transactions and automated processes on the blockchain. However, as the demands of the decentralized world grow, the need for flexibility and adaptability becomes paramount. Enter upgradable smart contracts – a revolutionary concept that allows developers to enhance and modify their contracts without compromising the integrity of the blockchain.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the steps required to create upgradable smart contracts, exploring the nuances of this cutting-edge technology and empowering developers to harness its potential.

Understanding Upgradable Smart Contracts

Before we embark on the journey of creating upgradable smart contracts, it's essential to grasp the concept at its core. Traditional smart contracts are immutable, meaning once deployed, their code cannot be altered. In contrast, upgradable smart contracts enable developers to modify and improve their code while preserving the contract's address and existing state. This flexibility is achieved through a proxy contract that serves as an intermediary, directing calls to the most recent version of the contract.

Step 1: Choose a Solid Development Framework

The foundation of any successful project lies in the tools at your disposal. When creating upgradable smart contracts, selecting a robust development framework is crucial. Ethereum, one of the leading blockchain platforms, offers frameworks like Truffle and Hardhat, both of which support upgradability. These frameworks streamline the development process and provide essential tools for testing, debugging, and deployment.

Step 2: Implement the Proxy Pattern

The proxy pattern is the cornerstone of upgradable smart contracts. It involves creating a proxy contract that acts as an intermediary between the client and the actual contract logic. This proxy delegates calls to the current version of the contract, allowing for seamless upgrades without disrupting the existing infrastructure. OpenZeppelin's Proxy and Upgradeable libraries are widely used for implementing this pattern, providing a solid and secure foundation.

Step 3: Separate Logic and Storage

To facilitate smooth upgrades, it's crucial to separate contract logic from storage. This separation ensures that upgrading the logic does not impact the stored data. Use a dedicated storage contract to manage the data, while the logic contract focuses solely on executing functions. By adhering to this architectural principle, developers can effortlessly upgrade the logic without risking data loss.

Step 4: Versioning and Dependency Management

Maintaining clear versioning and managing dependencies are vital aspects of upgradable smart contract development. Assign a version number to each iteration of your contract, making it easy to track changes and communicate updates. Additionally, consider using package managers like NPM for dependency management, ensuring that external dependencies are well-maintained and compatible with your chosen framework.

Step 5: Thorough Testing

Testing is the linchpin of reliable smart contract development, and the same holds true for upgradable contracts. Rigorous testing helps identify vulnerabilities and ensures that the upgraded contract functions as intended. Utilize testing frameworks such as Mocha and Chai, along with tools like Truffle's testing suite, to perform comprehensive unit and integration tests. Automated testing not only enhances the robustness of your contract but also expedites the development cycle.

Step 6: Admin Controls and Security Measures

Granting administrative controls to manage upgrades is a critical consideration in upgradable smart contract design. Implement a secure mechanism that allows only authorized entities to trigger upgrades. OpenZeppelin's AdminUpgradeabilityProxy, for instance, provides a secure upgradeability strategy by designating specific addresses as administrators. This ensures that only trusted parties can initiate upgrades, mitigating potential security risks.

Step 7: Documentation and Community Engagement

Documenting your upgradable smart contract thoroughly is an often-overlooked but essential step. Clear documentation aids not only in your own development process but also in onboarding other developers and fostering community engagement. Share your code on platforms like GitHub, encourage collaboration, and provide detailed README files. Building a supportive community around your upgradable smart contract can lead to valuable insights, enhancements, and a more robust ecosystem.


Creating upgradable smart contracts is a journey that requires a deep understanding of blockchain technology, a commitment to best practices, and a passion for innovation. By following these steps – from selecting a robust development framework to implementing versioning, testing, and security measures – developers can unlock the full potential of upgradable smart contracts.

As we traverse the ever-evolving landscape of decentralized applications, embracing flexibility and adaptability becomes paramount. Upgradable smart contracts stand as a testament to the dynamic nature of blockchain technology, empowering developers to iterate, innovate, and shape the future of decentralized ecosystems. Armed with this comprehensive guide, let the journey to creating upgradable smart contracts commence, ushering in a new era of blockchain development.

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