"Why Web3 Development is the Game-Changer Your Career Needs!

Srijan Karki - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

Front-end development has undergone significant transformations with the rise of Web3 and blockchain technology. While traditional (Web2) front-end development remains dominant, Web3 introduces new paradigms that alter how developers interact with back-end systems and handle authentication. This article explores these differences, offering insights into the evolving landscape of front-end development.

Interacting with the Back End

Traditional Web2 Development

In traditional web development, the front end interacts with a server using standard API calls. The server, built with languages like NodeJS, Python, Go, or PHP, provides API endpoints for CRUD operations:

  • Create: POST requests to send new data to the server.
  • Read: GET requests to retrieve data from the server.
  • Update: PUT or PATCH requests to modify existing data on the server.
  • Delete: DELETE requests to remove data from the server.

This client-server model relies on centralized databases and servers to process and store data, making it straightforward but dependent on the server's reliability and security.

Web3/Blockchain Development

Web3 shifts the paradigm by eliminating centralized servers, using blockchain as a decentralized ledger. In this model, smart contracts deployed on the blockchain act as the back end. Here’s how front-end interaction differs:

  • Read: Calls to the blockchain to retrieve data using “call” methods. These are free as they don’t alter the blockchain state.
  • Write: Transactions that modify the blockchain state, requiring gas fees. These operations involve sending data to the blockchain, updating or adding new data, and executing functions within smart contracts.

While the fundamental idea of data operations remains, the methods change significantly. Developers must manage gas fees and ensure smart contracts are optimized to minimize costs.

Differences in Authentication

Traditional Authentication

In traditional systems, authentication typically involves creating accounts with email and passwords, or using OAuth to log in with services like Google, Facebook, or GitHub. Developers can implement authentication using session tokens, JWTs, or services like Firebase.

Web3 Authentication

Web3 introduces a novel approach to authentication through wallets like MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet. Users authenticate by connecting their wallet to a decentralized application (dApp). This method offers several advantages:

  • No Registration: Users don’t need to create new accounts for each app. A single wallet can authenticate across multiple dApps.
  • Data Ownership: Users retain ownership of their data. Leaving a dApp doesn’t mean losing data, as users can port their data between different platforms.

For developers, integrating Web3 authentication is streamlined, often requiring minimal setup to connect with wallet providers.


The transition from traditional to Web3 front-end development introduces significant changes in how developers interact with back-end systems and handle authentication. While traditional development relies on centralized servers and standard API calls, Web3 leverages decentralized blockchains and smart contracts. Authentication in Web3 offers a more seamless and user-centric approach, enhancing privacy and data ownership.

As Web3 technologies continue to evolve, front-end developers must adapt to these new paradigms, balancing the benefits of decentralization with the challenges of managing blockchain interactions and gas fees. The future of front-end development promises exciting innovations, driven by the principles of decentralization and user empowerment.

By understanding these differences, developers can better navigate the transition to Web3 and harness its potential to create more secure, efficient, and user-friendly applications.

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