TailwindCSS vs Bootstrap

Vector - Jun 29 - - Dev Community

We all know the importance of styling in our everyday (frontend) lives. In the early days of web development, CSS took care of all that and in a pretty straightforward way. The Advent of time brought about technological advancements, new technologies - libraries and frameworks have been introduced and they're here to stay.

In this article, I will be comparing two CSS frameworks TailindCSS and Bootstrap.

Design Philosophy

TailwindCSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that adopts a utility-first approach. This approach focuses on providing us developers with a comprehensive set of utility classes that apply specific styles, such as padding, margin, text color, and background color. By combining these utilities directly in the HTML, developers can quickly build custom designs without writing custom CSS. Pretty sweet, right?

Bootstrap on the other hand is a relatively popular front-end framework that takes on a component-based approach to web design and development. This method focuses on providing a suite of pre-styled components and utilities that can be used to build a website or application quickly and with consistent design. Pretty quick, right?


Tailwind as we now know adopts a utility-first approach, providing low-level utility classes that can be combined in countless ways to build unique designs. Customization often involves configuring a tailwind.config.js file where you can define themes, extend or disable default utilities, and control various aspects of the framework behavior.

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {
      backgroundImage: theme => ({
        'hero-image': "url('/public/landscape-banner-first.jpg')",
      screens: {
        'xs': '425px',

  plugins: [],
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Sample tailwind.config.js file

This JavaScript configuration file (tailwind.config.js) is where you can define everything from colour palettes to font stacks, breakpoints, border sizes, and more. This file is integral to how Tailwind generates its utility classes.
Tailwind also offers highly granular control allowing us to apply styles directly in HTML using utility classes. This means you can tweak every aspect of your design without having to open up a CSS file ;)

Bootstrap is built around pre-designed components and a more traditional CSS class-based approach. Customization typically involves overriding existing styles with custom CSS or tweaking Sass variables and mixins to modify the components.

Compared to Tailwind, customization in Bootstrap occurs at a more macro level by modifying Sass variables before compiling CSS or overriding styles

Learning Curve

TailwindCSS might initially feel like you're trying to decode an alien language. With its utility-first approach, the sheer number of utility classes can be overwhelming. Imagine trying to memorize your entire city's phone book, daunting right? But once you get the hang of it, it's like having a Swiss Army knife for CSS. You've got a tool (or class) for just about everything, which means fewer trips back to the drawing board (or CSS file).

<!-- Example of using Tailwind classes -->
<button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">
  Click me!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

A button in Tailwind CSS. Simple, but there's a learning hill to climb!

Bootstrap, on the other hand, is like picking up a new board game. You'll need to learn the rules (the components), but once you do, playing the game (building websites) is straightforward. With its component-based design, you might find yourself off to a quicker start compared to Tailwind. It’s a bit like assembling furniture with a manual; the pieces are all there, you just need to put them together.

<!-- Example of a Bootstrap button -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Click me!</button>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

A Bootstrap button. Ready to use out of the box—just don't lose the manual!


When it comes to performance, TailwindCSS has a secret weapon: it’s incredibly lean. By using PurgeCSS to strip away unused styles, it ensures that you’re not loading a full buffet of styles when you only need a snack. This can result in significantly smaller CSS files, which means faster loading times. It's like being on a diet but for your website—only consume what you need!

Bootstrap can sometimes feel a bit heavier, like bringing an entire toolbox when you just need a screwdriver. However, with the power of Sass, you can customize and compile your styles to exclude unused components, trimming the fat and boosting your site’s speed. It’s a bit more work, but hey, who doesn’t want a website that runs like a cheetah instead of a sloth?

Absolutely! Let’s dive right back into the gritty details, and keep the good vibes rolling as we explore the differences in learning curves, performance, and use cases between Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap. Buckle up, because we're about to get techy and cheeky!

Learning Curve
Tailwind CSS might initially feel like you're trying to decode an alien language. With its utility-first approach, the sheer number of utility classes can be overwhelming. Imagine trying to memorize your entire city's phone book—daunting, right? But once you get the hang of it, it's like having a Swiss Army knife for CSS. You've got a tool (or class) for just about everything, which means fewer trips back to the drawing board (or CSS file).

<!-- Example of using Tailwind classes -->
<button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">
  Click me!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

A button in Tailwind CSS. Simple, but there's a learning hill to climb!

Bootstrap, on the other hand, is like picking up a new board game. You'll need to learn the rules (the components), but once you do, playing the game (building websites) is straightforward. With its component-based design, you might find yourself off to a quicker start compared to Tailwind. It’s a bit like assembling furniture with a manual; the pieces are all there, you just need to put them together.

<!-- Example of a Bootstrap button -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Click me!</button>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

A Bootstrap button. Ready to use out of the box—just don't lose the manual!

When it comes to performance, Tailwind CSS has a secret weapon: it’s incredibly lean. Using PurgeCSS to strip away unused styles, it ensures that you’re not loading a full buffet of styles when you only need a snack. This can result in significantly smaller CSS files, which means faster loading times. It's like being on a diet but for your website—only consume what you really need!

Bootstrap can sometimes feel a bit heavier, like bringing an entire toolbox when you just need a screwdriver. However, with the power of Sass, you can customize and compile your styles to exclude unused components, trimming the fat and boosting your site’s speed. It’s a bit more work, but hey, who doesn’t want a website that runs like a cheetah instead of a sloth?

Use Cases

When deciding between TailwindCSS and Bootstrap, think about what you’re building. Tailwind is fantastic for projects where you want absolute control over the design and are okay with a bit of a steeper learning curve. It's like being handed the chef's hat and apron in a gourmet kitchen—make whatever you want, however, you want it.

Bootstrap is your go-to for getting things done quickly and efficiently, especially if you need a responsive site right out of the box. It’s perfect for projects where time is of the essence, or when you're working in a team where everyone understands the 'Bootstrap language'. Imagine it as a fast-food chain; it’s not gourmet, but it’s quick, reliable, and everyone knows the menu.

In conclusion, both TailwindCSS and Bootstrap offer their unique flavours and spices to the web development kitchen. Whether you choose the gourmet route with Tailwind or the fast-food lane with Bootstrap, both will serve up delicious websites in their own right. Just remember, the best tool is the one that fits your project like a glove—or, in this case, like the perfect pair of comfy coding pyjamas. Happy coding!


This article is an assignment - Task 0 from the HNG Internship programme. It's a fast-paced programme that helps beginner techies with basic training in one or more fields to gain experience working as interns, collaborating with other Interns to achieve a task goal or submit projects before the deadline.
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