JavaScript30 - 1 JS Drumkit

VirtualSobriety - May 14 - - Dev Community

About a week ago I finished the Scrimba learn JavaScript course and had a great time doing so. Looking back on it, it did seem a bit hand-holdy but that's probably a good thing for those just starting out. I then had the issue of figuring out what to do next. Instead of going back to the Odin Project or continuing through another scrim I figured I'd switch it up again and dive into Wes Bos's JavaScript30 that was recommended to me.

30 challenges in 30 days, it seems like a lot but the way Wes Bos breaks it down makes it much more manageable. The HTML and CSS seem for the first challenge was already completed and I just had to tackle the JavaScript itself. That was both helpful and intimidating as I was excited to make the website before adding functionality to it but I do understand that is not the point of this course.

At the start of the video introducing the challenge you are given a choice: either code along with the video or pause it and come up with your own solution. I chose the latter in this case as I think it's important to get the answer yourself and then see another way to do it, as its become pretty obvious to me that there's rarely one "correct" answer in these situations.

The look of the Drumkit

For a beginner like me this was tough. Almost immediately I realized that I did not have the tools necessary to solve the challenge and that I was going to need some help. After several google searches and some talks with ChatGPT I managed to find some answers but ultimately had to phone a friend to give me some hints along the way.

My finished JavaScript for the Drum Kit

I know it's "about the journey not the destination" but this journey was exhausting. Which is entirely the point. The lesson I am trying to teach myself is how to find answers in these situations and, in my own sort of way, that's exactly what I did.

It took me about 3 days (roughly 3-5hours of actual work) to finish this challenge and make a functional Drum Kit and I am very proud of this accomplishment. (I currently work 50-60 hours a week and practice coding in my spare time)

Wes's JavaScript for the Drum Kit

After finishing the Drum Kit challenge I did watch the remainder of Wes's video and saw how he solved the enigma of the drum kit and I am happy to say that, although we did it differently, that I was very much so on the right track.

I am excited to jump into the second challenge of the CSS + JS Clock and hope I stick to my guns and try to come up with my own solutions instead of watching along and mindlessly coding. I will also try to keep up with my blog posts to monitor my progress through this course and see how much/if I grow.

The CSS + JS Clock

Until next time!

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