Lukas Höllein on the Challenges and Opportunities of Text-to-3D with “ViewDiff”

Jimmy Guerrero - Jun 17 - - Dev Community

Author: Harpreet Sahota (Hacker in Residence at Voxel51)

A Q&A with an author of a CVPR 2024 paper discussing the implications of his work for 3D Modeling

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I got a chance to have a (virtual) sit-down Q&A session with Lukas Höllein about his paper ViewDiff: 3D-Consistent Image Generation with Text-to-Image Models, one of the accepted forpapers CVPR 2024.

His paper introduces ViewDiff, a method that leverages pretrained text-to-image models to generate high-quality, multi-view consistent images of 3D objects in realistic surroundings by integrating 3D volume-rendering and cross-frame-attention layers into a U-Net architecture.

Lukas discusses the challenges of training 3D models, the innovative integration of 3D components into a U-Net architecture, and the potential for democratizing 3D content creation.

Hope you enjoy it!

Harpreet: Could you briefly overview your paper’s central hypothesis and the problem it addresses? How does this problem impact the broader field of deep learning?

Lukas: Pretrained text-to-image models are powerful because they are trained on billions of text-image pairs.

In contrast, 3D deep learning is largely bottlenecked by much smaller datasets. Training models on 3D datasets will reach a different quality and diversity than we have nowadays in 2D. This paper shows how to bridge this gap: we take a model trained on 2D data and only finetune it on 3D data.

This allows us to keep around the expressiveness of the existing model but translate it into 3D.

Harpreet: Your paper introduces a method that leverages pretrained text-to-image models as a prior, integrating 3D volume-rendering and cross-frame-attention layers into each block of the existing U-Net network. What are the key innovations of this technique, and how does it improve upon existing methods?

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Lukas: The key innovation shows how we can utilize the text-to-image model and still produce multi-view consistent images.

Earlier 3D generative methods created some 3D representations and rendered images from them.

Integrating a text-to-image model into this pipeline is problematic because it operates on different modalities (images vs. 3D).

In contrast, we keep around the 2D U-Net architecture and only add 3D components. By design, this allows the creation of consistent 3D images. Our output is not a 3D representation but multi-view consistent images (that can be turned into such a representation later).

Harpreet: One of the significant findings in your research is the ability to generate multi-view consistent images that are photorealistic and diverse. Can you explain the implications of this result for real-world applications in deep learning?

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Lukas: Eventually, we want to be able to create entire 3D scenes with the help of pretrained deep learning models.

This would significantly reduce the time and skills required (e.g. instead of hiring expert artists in 3D modelling).

Basically, it democratizes 3D content creation.

One example I like is sending GIFs to friends through messengers. How cool would it be to create your own just from text input? Our paper is one step in that direction.

By specifying a text prompt, people can use such methods to create 3D assets and their corresponding surroundings.

Harpreet: What challenges did you face during your research, particularly in implementing or validating the integration of 3D volume-rendering and cross-frame-attention layers into the U-Net architecture? How did you overcome them?


Issue 1: Make images consistent → It turns out that both 3D volume rendering and cross-frame attention are necessary. The first gives accurate control over poses.

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Without it, the generated images do not closely follow the input poses. The second ensures a consistent object identity.

Issue 2: Keep around 2D prior → We want text prompt control, but we finetuned on a smaller 3D dataset.

We used the Dreambooth paper’s trick to finetune a prior preservation dataset.

Harpreet: For practitioners looking to apply your findings, what practical steps or considerations should they consider? Are there specific scenarios where your method shines the most?

Lukas: Our method needs a lot of memory to be trained, but it can run at inference time on smaller GPUs.

Remember the desired output domain: a single category of objects or generalized across a dataset of multiple categories. This influences the training time.

Limitations: flickering due to lighting differences → can reduce it with better data.

Harpreet: The quality and diversity of training data are crucial for the effectiveness of diffusion models. Can you discuss your approach to data collection, cleaning, and curation to ensure the data is well-prepared and representative? How do you address challenges regarding ensuring fairness and minimizing bias in your datasets?


1. Data Collection and Cleaning:

- Real-world Video Capture: We capture real-world videos of diverse objects and scenes. This provides a rich source of data that reflects the complexity of the real world.
- Image Extraction and Filtering: We extract individual frames from the videos and employ a filtering process to ensure high quality and remove blurry or otherwise unusable frames. This step is essential for creating a clean and reliable dataset.

2. Data Curation for Specific Control Mechanisms:

  • 3D Pose Control: We aim to enable control over the 3D pose of generated objects. To achieve this, we align videos of different objects into a shared world space. This allows us to consistently manipulate objects’ pose within the model’s training data.
  • Text-based Control: We want to enable users to control the generated output through text prompts. To facilitate this, we label images with a pre-trained image captioning model. This provides a textual representation of the image content, which can be used for text-based control. To further ensure diversity in the output, we generate multiple captions per image and sample them randomly during training.

3. Mitigating Bias:

  • Pose Control Fairness: A key challenge is ensuring fairness in our pose control mechanism. We aim to avoid biases where certain poses are overrepresented in the training data. To address this, we implement a sampling strategy that ensures every pose direction is sampled equally often. This helps to prevent the model from learning biased representations of object poses.

Final Thoughts

This Q&A with Lukas Höllein, author of the CVPR 2024 paper “ViewDiff,” highlights the potential of leveraging pretrained text-to-image models for 3D generation.

ViewDiff’s approach, integrating 3D components into a U-Net architecture, addresses the challenges of training 3D models and demonstrates the feasibility of generating multi-view consistent images from text prompts. The method’s ability to generate realistic 3D scenes and assets has significant implications for democratizing 3D content creation.

ViewDiff represents a significant advancement in the field, paving the way for further research and development in text-to-3D generation.

You can learn more about ViewDiff here:

If you’ll be at CVPR this year, come and say “Hi!”
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