JavaScript Tricks: Device Fingerprint

WangLiwen - Dec 15 '23 - - Dev Community

Device fingerprinting, usually refers to browser device fingerprinting, which can identify whether it is the same visitor by obtaining feature information from the browser.

Fingerprint information is usually obtained from several dimensions, such as navigator, window, screen.
Example, navigator information.

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Among these information, there are some special, fixed data that can be used to identify the characteristics of the user's system, such as: operating system type, language, browser name, browser plug-in, screen resolution, screen size, CPU number, time zone, whether the screen supports touch control, whether it supports cookies, whether it supports local storage, whether it supports WebGL, and so on.

The collection of these data forms the unique characteristics of the device, just like a person's fingerprint, which can be used to identify a device. As shown in the figure below.

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Note: The accuracy of fingerprint recognition depends on the data source selected for recognition, but the more data sources, the better. Too many or too few data sources can easily lead to false positives. Usually, after extensive testing, suitable data items are selected. For demonstration purposes in this article, only a small number of data sources are used.

At this point, the fingerprint data has been obtained, but the content is too much to identify the device by comparing the fingerprints. Usually, further processing is performed on the data, such as performing md5 hashing to form a string feature code.

Of course, other algorithms can also be used. Here, a simple custom algorithm is used to obtain features.

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    function get_fingerprint(){

        var fingerprint = [];
        fingerprint.push({key: "user_agent", value: navigator.userAgent });
        fingerprint.push({key: "language", value: navigator.language});
        fingerprint.push({key: "pixel_ratio", value: window.devicePixelRatio });
        fingerprint.push({key: "hardware_concurrency", value: navigator.hardwareConcurrency });
        fingerprint.push({key: "resolution", value: [screen.width, screen.height] });
        fingerprint.push({key: "available_resolution", value: [screen.availHeight, screen.availWidth] });
        fingerprint.push({key: "timezone_offset", value: new Date().getTimezoneOffset() });
        //本地存储支持度识别,例:window.openDatabase被IE、Google Chrome支持、但FireFox不支持
        fingerprint.push({key: "session_storage", value: !window.sessionStorage });
        fingerprint.push({key: "local_storage", value: !window.localStorage });
        fingerprint.push({key: "indexed_db", value: !window.indexedDB });
        fingerprint.push({key: "open_database", value: !window.openDatabase });
        fingerprint.push({key: "navigator_platform", value: navigator.platform });
        //系统类型及版,如:Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64
        fingerprint.push({key: "navigator_oscpu", value: navigator.oscpu });
        fingerprint.push({key: "do_not_track", value: navigator.doNotTrack });
        fingerprint.push({key: "touch_support", value: navigator.maxTouchPoints });
        for(i=0; i<navigator.plugins.length;i ++){
            fingerprint.push({key: "navigator_plugin_" + i, value: navigator.plugins[i].name });
        fingerprint.push({key: "cookie_enabled", value: navigator.cookieEnabled });


        var short_fingerprint = "";
        for(j=0; j<fingerprint.length; j++){
            short_fingerprint += fingerprint[j].value.toString().toLowerCase().substring(0,1);
        short_fingerprint += fingerprint.length;
        short_fingerprint += navigator.plugins.length;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


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Device fingerprinting is mainly used for login-free verification and identification of unfamiliar users, such as determining the number of visits of a visiting customer, the number of pages visited, whether they clicked on products or advertisements, whether they placed an order, which page they exited from, whether they performed dangerous operations, and so on.

Sometimes, some visitors who understand technology or have their own purposes do not want to be identified, so they may analyze the fingerprint source by viewing the JS source code in the webpage and modify the fingerprint source data accordingly to avoid identification. In order to prevent this situation, there are usually two methods:

Firstly, on the front end, the JS code that implements the fingerprint function is encrypted and obfuscated using JShaman JavaScript Obfuscator to prevent analysis. At the same time, the fingerprint data can be sent to the back end for further determination.

Secondly, on the backend, after receiving the fingerprints from the front end, it can be determined how many fingerprints are matched, such as 80% or 90%. Then it can be guessed that some data may have been modified. Moreover, combined with the "backend fingerprints", such as the visitor's IP address, cookie, etc., it can conduct a second fingerprint identification.

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