Setting up a `npx username` card!

Conlin Durbin - Dec 26 '18 - - Dev Community

I recently saw this awesome post from bnb on Twitter:

The community response has been awesome and I quickly knew I wanted to make my own:

Today, I wanted to show everyone the process of making one.

First, let's clone the repo:

git clone
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Now, we need to edit some stuff. First, let's open up the package.json and update some of the details. First, change the package name:

name: <your username>
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This will let you publish to npm and get your card with npx <your_username>.

You can also update the description and author fields to reflect your information.

If we run npm run dev, we'll see that Tierney's information shows up. Let's make it your card.

Open up build.js:

'use strict'

// Pull in our modules
const chalk = require('chalk')
const boxen = require('boxen')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')

// Define options for Boxen
const options = {
  padding: 1,
  margin: 1,
  borderStyle: 'round'

// Text + chalk definitions
const data = {
  name: chalk.white('               Tierney Cyren'),
  handle: chalk.white('bitandbang'),
  work: chalk.white('Senior Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft'),
  opensource: chalk.white('Node.js Community Committee ') +''),
  twitter: chalk.gray('') + chalk.cyan('bitandbang'),
  npm: chalk.gray('') +'~bnb'),
  github: chalk.gray('') +'bnb'),
  linkedin: chalk.gray('') +'bitandbang'),
  web: chalk.cyan(''),
  npx:'npx') + ' ' + chalk.white('bitandbang'),
  labelWork: chalk.white.bold('       Work:'),
  labelOpenSource: chalk.white.bold('Open Source:'),
  labelTwitter: chalk.white.bold('    Twitter:'),
  labelnpm: chalk.white.bold('        npm:'),
  labelGitHub: chalk.white.bold('     GitHub:'),
  labelLinkedIn: chalk.white.bold('   LinkedIn:'),
  labelWeb: chalk.white.bold('        Web:'),
  labelCard: chalk.white.bold('       Card:')

// Actual strings we're going to output
const newline = '\n'
const heading = `${} / ${data.handle}`
const working = `${data.labelWork}  ${}`
const opensourcing = `${data.labelOpenSource}  ${data.opensource}`
const twittering = `${data.labelTwitter}  ${data.twitter}`
const npming = `${data.labelnpm}  ${data.npm}`
const githubing = `${data.labelGitHub}  ${data.github}`
const linkedining = `${data.labelLinkedIn}  ${data.linkedin}`
const webing = `${data.labelWeb}  ${data.web}`
const carding = `${data.labelCard}  ${data.npx}`

// Put all our output together into a single variable so we can use boxen effectively
const output = heading + // + data.handle
               newline + newline + // Add one whole blank line
               working + newline + // data.labelWork +
               opensourcing + newline + newline + // data.labelOpenSource + data.opensource
               twittering + newline + // data.labelTwitter + data.twitter
               npming + newline + // data.labelnpm + data.npm
               githubing + newline + // data.labelGitHub + data.github
               linkedining + newline + // data.labelLinkedIn + data.linkedin
               webing + newline + newline + // data.labelWeb + data.web
               carding // data.labelCard + data.npx

fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'bin/output'),, options)))
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Play around with the data const and add your information. For me it would look like this:

const data = {
  name: chalk.white('Conlin Durbin'),
  handle: chalk.greenBright.bold('wuz'),
  work: chalk.white('Frontend software engineer at Lessonly'),
  twitter: chalk.redBright(''),
  github: chalk.redBright(''),
  linkedin: chalk.redBright(''),
  web: chalk.redBright(''),
  npx: chalk.white('npx wuz'),
  labelWork: chalk.white.bold('      Work:'),
  labelTwitter: chalk.white.bold('   Twitter:'),
  labelGitHub: chalk.white.bold('    GitHub:'),
  labelLinkedIn: chalk.white.bold('  LinkedIn:'),
  labelWeb: chalk.white.bold('       Web:'),
  labelCard: chalk.white.bold('      Card:')
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You can play with the colors as much as you like - check out the chalk package for more options.

Once you are done, run npm run dev again. If everything looks good, we are ready to publish to NPM.

If you don't have an NPM account, go make one! Once you have you account set up, run npm login and follow the prompt to login to your account. Once that is done, go ahead and run an npm publish. Make sure your have changed the package name.

If everything is set up right, you should see a success message! Try running npx <your_username>.

Once you get it done, take a screenshot and send it to me here or on Twitter - I'd love to see it!

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