Byte-sized Brilliance: JARVIS Picks the Top 5 Tech Trends of the Year

Bala Madhusoodhanan - Dec 25 '23 - - Dev Community

New technologies enable innovative solutions that give any business a unique advantage. They disrupt business models and anticipate the evolution of technologies in a specific domain or on a global level in the coming years. Businesses that adopt new technologies early will always have a competitive edge as technological trends expand into new fields. Join us on a journey to decode these trends and discover their forecasts. We will explore the technological wonders that were expected to transform industries, redefine business tactics, and possibly create a more fair global society. Navigate through the predicted trends, evaluate their effects on people, planet, and sectors, and consider their potential to promote global social equity. As we approach a new year, it’s vital to think about the tech scenario that awaits us. In October 2022, at the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo in Orlando, Florida, the top 10 key technology trends for 2023 were revealed, grouped into four distinct themes: Optimize, Scale, Pioneer, and Sustainability.

Here are my top 5



  • AI Trust, Risk and Security Management AI adoption represents a once-in-a-generation technology shift, sitting at the delicate intersection of innovation and trust. As organizations embrace AI, there is a simultaneous need for robust governance frameworks to ensure ethical and responsible use. The emergence of tools like the AI Trust Index, designed to measure and benchmark the trustworthiness of AI systems, and platforms like the AI Trust Alliance, fostering collaboration among AI stakeholders, signals a growing commitment to building trustworthy AI However, the journey toward AI governance faces challenges. With the rising importance of AI systems, public data is approaching a ceiling, and the exhaustion of high-quality language data is on the horizon. This necessitates a shift to private and/or synthetic data, opening new possibilities but also introducing potential risks. AI-enabled disinformation, scams, and fraud pose growing threats, demanding increased investments in detection and risk mitigation.In response, the AI community is actively working on inclusive solutions to guard against cloned voices, deepfakes, social media bots, and influence campaigns. Large datasets continue to fuel AI model training for improved accuracy and effectiveness, while new mechanisms for authentication and provenance promote transparency and accountability.

Trust between people and the AI systems they interact with is fundamental and non-negotiable. The AI community is actively fostering awareness, education, and advocacy for AI trust through initiatives like the AI Trust Summit, an event bringing together experts, policymakers, and practitioners, and the AI Trust Challenge, a competition encouraging innovative solutions for AI trust.


  • Metaverse The MetaVerse represents digital environments where people interact both professionally and socially, and its future is commonly referred to as the metaverse. Enriched with augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR), multiple metaverses are expected to emerge, each serving different purposes and varying in levels of immersiveness. This collective virtual environment joins multiple technological trends, promising increased collaboration and engagement.

As interface technologies mature, the MetaVerse has the potential to augment social and emotional connections between distant participants, fostering a sense of presence and interconnectedness. Beyond social interactions, the metaverse is poised to extend its reach into therapeutic neurotechnologies. Imagine a future where the metaverse connects to therapeutic interventions, such as direct brain stimulation to treat intractable depression. Leveraging the metaverse for the continuum of mental healthcare needs could be a transformative win-win. Patients could benefit from innovative treatment approaches, while grounding the metaverse in practical, necessary applications could accelerate the emergence of this advancing virtual space.


  • Platform Engineering* / Industry Cloud:

The emergence of low-code and no-code platforms represents a defining trend, reshaping the landscape of software development. These platforms carry a mission to simplify the intricate process of application creation, leading to the democratization of software development. Ideas are no longer confined within the traditional boundaries of IT departments; they can now flourish throughout an organization. This transformational shift fosters innovation and enhances problem-solving capabilities. In this new paradigm, we witness a three-tiered approach — no-code for business users, low-code for IT professionals, and pro-code for the seasoned developers. The challenge lies in making these platforms capable yet understandable, powerful yet easy to get started with. Microsoft's Power Platform, for instance, stands as a testament to the success of this approach, boasting a $2 billion business with over 7 million monthly active users and experiencing 72 percent year-over-year growth in revenues.

As the Earth grapples with an escalating environmental crisis, it may be surprising to learn that the growing reliance on data plays a significant role. Data centers, the backbone of Google searches, email, the metaverse, AI, and numerous aspects of an increasingly data-based society, currently consume an estimated 1% of the electricity produced globally. This number is poised to rise with the escalating demand for data services. The question arises: How can we navigate this data-driven future while minimizing its environmental footprint?
In the coming decade, substantial strides are expected towards net-zero-energy data centers as innovative approaches emerge. Addressing heat-management issues is one key aspect. Liquid cooling systems utilizing water or dielectric coolant are being developed to dissipate heat, and excess heat is being repurposed for various applications, from space heating to industrial processes. Cities like Stockholm are leading the way by harnessing waste heat from data centers to warm homes.AI emerges as a powerful ally in the quest for sustainability. AI is now being used to analyze and optimize energy use in real-time, maximizing efficiency without compromising performance. The success of AI-powered energy management, as demonstrated by DeepMind with up to a 40% reduction in energy consumption at Google's data centers, exemplifies the potential impact.

Furthermore, the technological infrastructure supporting net-zero-energy data centers is evolving to be more modular and demand-based. Cloud and edge computing systems allow data processing and storage to be distributed across multiple devices, systems, and even locations, reducing the strain on centralized energy-intensive data centers.


  • Generative AI: Definite to steal the spotlight is Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) — a powerful type of AI capable of creating new and original content. From text and computer programming to images and sound, this technology extends its reach into drug design, architecture, and engineering. Generative AI is reshaping workplaces, elevating productivity, and restructuring human tasks towards idea generation and editing. However, as with any transformative technology, there is a dual challenge: the potential for job displacement and the necessity to upskill and reskill the workforce. Policies and programs must accompany these innovations to ensure widespread benefits and equip workers with the skills needed to navigate the evolving job we embrace the power of Generative AI, we must be vigilant about mitigating biases rooted in training data. Ethical guidelines and governance structures become paramount to balance technical progress with responsible use, ensuring that the decisions made by AI applications are transparent and respectful of individual privacy. Addressing copyright attribution is equally crucial to acknowledge and credit the designers, data creators, and authors behind these innovative applications.


As we conclude our journey through the dynamic landscape of technological trends in 2023, it becomes evident that this year has been marked by unprecedented innovation and transformative shifts. From the game-changing potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the collaborative realms of the MetaVerse, the critical importance of AI governance, and the democratization of software development through low-code platforms — each trend has left an indelible mark on the way we live, work, and interact. The technology landscape is ever-evolving, and as we turn our gaze towards 2024, new possibilities and challenges await. What trends will emerge as the frontrunners in the next wave of innovation? How will the intersection of AI, sustainability, and collaborative technologies shape the digital frontier?

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The journey is ongoing, and the future promises to be as exciting as the innovations we've witnessed so far.


Further Read:
1) Gartner Tech Trend 2023 - Article

2) Gartner Tech Trend 2024 - Article

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