🔥State of Software Development 2020 — Weekly Picks #120

Saqib Ameen - Mar 25 '20 - - Dev Community

It has been another tough week around the globe. We hope you all are doing great and taking care of yourselves. It's a tough time and we will make through it together.

We are back again with the weekly picks for one more time. So, let's jump in!

1️⃣ New TypeScript Features that Improve the Developer Experience

This post talks about some of the recently introduced features in TypeScript and how they will make your development experience better. It's good to see how TypeScript is readily supporting the new ECMAScript features. TypeScripts devs, it worth reading. 💯

2️⃣ Use of JavaScript In Online Games

In the past few years, the JavaScript community has evolved so much that you can almost do everything in it, including Game development. This reading contains a few examples of the games done in JavaScript, along with a few libraries which can help you develop games in JavaScript. Definitely an interesting read just to know what you can do with JavaScript. ⚡️

3️⃣ 20 Top Tools for Distributed Development Teams

Amid the current COVID-19 chaos almost all the software teams have gone remote. For those, who haven't worked remotely before, this is an amazing list of all the useful tools that you can use to effectively work from your home. 🔥

4️⃣ 📈 I've open-sourced a simple Coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard (React + Chart.js + BootstrapTable)

This project is basically an extension of the dashboard design by John Hopkins to provide additional functionality. It's clean, compares the results from different countries, and provides a share-able URL with all filters. Personally, I liked the simplicity of this dashboard.

5️⃣ Chrome 81 Release Features New AR and NFC Features, and Redesigned HTML Form Controls

🕶 Chrome has recently released launched a new version with exciting new features including the new HTML form controls and NFC & AR support. To know more about use cases of NFC & AR features in Chrome, check out this post.

6️⃣ Top 6 New Programming Languages Born in the Last Decade

🤔 Do you like checking out the new programming languages? Just to learn what they have to offer or how languages are evolving? This is a super helpful post in learning about the promising programming languages which were introduced in the last decade.

7️⃣ Donate Your Unused CPU Cycles to Fight the Coronavirus

Want to contribute to the solution of the COVID-19 diseases? You can start by donating a few CPU Cycles to the universities designing simulations to devise a solution for the disease. It's a complete guide on how you can go about donating your unused CPU cycles for this cause. ✨

8️⃣ Quick Front-End Integrations Through Components

🎨 It's another interesting post related to remote work. It primarily focusses on the frontend developers and explains how they can use bit to effectively manage and share frontend components. It's a detailed post that explains it all with examples. Worth checking!

9️⃣ Should I use Redux?

That's an interesting #discussion post on whether or not you should use Redux. Definitely worth going through the comments if it confuses you or if you are React/Redux dev. ⚛️

🔟 State of Software Development 2020 — Latest Software Development Trends

It's a very interesting survey to go through. It's probably the 4th survey done by the Coding Sans team with the help of 9 amazing companies and over 700 developers. Check out to see how other developers are doing things! 🔥

🙌 Wrap Up!

That was all for this week. We will come back with another list of interesting development posts next week. Stay safe. Peace! ✌️

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