21 Chrome Extension for web developer and designer

Niemvuilaptrinh - Aug 19 '21 - - Dev Community

What run

WhatRuns utility helps us identify the web technologies being used on the website such as frameworks, analytics tools, Wordpress plugins, Fonts... You just need to visit the page you want and click on the whatruns icon then The information will appear in full in less than 1 minute. You can also sign up to receive notifications when the site you want to monitor adds new technologies to the site.
What run
What run


WhatFont makes it easy to determine which font a web page element is using. You just need to install and move the mouse over the object we want to see to be able to see its font name. It's simple, right.


Colorzilla makes it possible to read the color value of any object on the web page. In addition, it also supports some other useful features such as automatically copying colors to the clipboard, displaying a history of our recently selected colors, advanced color picker...

Window Resizer

Window Resizer is an important tool that helps us to build or test the responsiveness of the website on the browser quickly such as the screen of a phone, tablet, laptop, Desktop... In addition you also You can automatically adjust the display size you want by setting the width and height of the browser window.
Window Resizer
Window Resizer

Web Developer

Web Developer is one of the few installed by more than 1 million users. It helps web developers in daeveloping and debugging websites quickly. This utility is a collection of various tools such as Disable, Cookies, CSS, Forms, Image... You can easily find corrupted images, do not allow the site to run javascript, check CSS pass standard or not, hide all images, show information of links in current web page...
Web Developer
Web Developer


Postman is an application that helps us to make HTTP requests to the server. It is really useful when you run or test the API for your program and it also allows you to make GET, POST, DELETE, PUT requests easily. In addition, it also has a forum with a large number of programmers to help us solve questions when we are just starting to use postman.

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Lorem Ipsum Generator helps us quickly create a document by specifying the number of paragraphs and lines we want. When you're building components in your website, it's common to use content to test or see how it's displayed on the web. Therefore, this utility makes it possible to create fake content with just one click.
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Lorem Ipsum Generator


CSSViewer helps us to view CSS properties of an object in a web page in the most general way such as color, font, size, position... You just need to select this utility and hover your mouse over the object that they want. If you want, the CSS information will automatically appear.

Page Ruler Redux

Page Ruler Redux helps us to get the size of a unit on the web page in pixels. It is suitable for web designers when you need to get the exact size of a certain element on the web page.
Page Ruler Redux
Page Ruler Redux

TinEye Reverse Image Search

TinEye Reverse Image Search uses image recognition technology to help you search for images on the web with results that are many different links containing the image that has been resized, edited or has a different resolution. ... The way to do it is also quite simple, you right click on the image you want to search and select Search Image on TinEye and wait a bit and we will have the results.
TinEye Reverse Image Search
TinEye Reverse Image Search

The Great Suspender

As you know when using Google Chrome, the problem of using Ram is always an important factor to improve the speed of the computer. The Great Suspender utility helps us pause unused tabs to make the browser run more smoothly. You can also make tabs pause for a certain period of time when not in use like 20s, 1 minute, 5 minutes... it also provides us with some useful tools like auto-close, tabs playing...
The Great Suspender
The Great Suspender


Marmoset helps us to save the code in the program as an image. For example, it will be very convenient when you need to put a code of a function in the program on social networking sites to share. It also provides some additional features such as adjusting colors, languages, themes...

User-Agent Switcher

User-Agent Switcher makes it possible to test our website on many different devices and browsers without having to install any additional programs such as viewing your website when displayed. displayed on Opera, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer browsers...
User-Agent Switcher
User-Agent Switcher

Clear Cache

Clear Cache is responsible for clearing cache and browsing data with just one click. In addition, we can optionally choose the data we want to delete such as application cache, cookies, history, database ...
Clear Cache
Clear Cache

React Developer Tools

React Developer Tools is a React debugging tool added to Chrome's developer tools. It allows you to test React components easily and quickly during website development.
React Developer Tools
React Developer Tools

Check My Links

Check My Links makes it possible to check for broken links in the website with just one click.
Check My Links
Check My Links


Checkbot helps to check the speed, security and SEO of the website with a variety of factors such as sitemap, 404 pages, duplicate content, javascript css files, https, url redirects...

Site Palette

Site Palette helps you to automatically export multiple color palettes of the website you are using right in the browser quickly and easily.
Site Palette
Site Palette

Web Developer Checklist

Web Developer Checklist helps you to check all the essentials that a website should have.
Web Developer Checklist
Web Developer Checklist


EditThisCookie is a cookie manager whose mission is to help you add, delete, edit, use, search, protect and block cookies on websites.


Momentum will Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring to-do, weather, and inspiration.

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