22 Games And Apps To Help You Learn Code Better

Niemvuilaptrinh - Oct 8 '21 - - Dev Community

Today I will introduce to you some tools and games that make learning web development easy. make it easier and more enjoyable by practicing solving problems based on the knowledge you have learned. Come on, let's bow Let's go in and find out.


LEARN GIT BRANCHING is the most intuitive and efficient way to learn Git on the web through a series of experiments. Challenging fun levels, you'll learn the power of git step by step. What I like about this tool is It provides very detailed instructions, visual illustrations before each practice exercise.

CSS Diner

It is a game to help you learn and practice CSS selectors better.
CSS Diner
CSS Diner


JSchallenger is a place to help you learn to code through solving problems with javascript. It has poop divided exercises for beginners to advanced.

TypeScript exercises

It allows every player to use different TypeScript features to solve the problem and at the same time gives you a better overview of TypeScript capabilities and principles.
TypeScript exercises
TypeScript exercises


CSS Battle is an online CSS game. Here, players from all over the world will write the best possible CSS code and fight each other for the top of the leaderboard.

CSS Selectors Cheatsheet

CSS Selectors Cheatsheet will help you to understand most of the basics about Selectors in CSS through by answering multiple-choice questions with easy-to-understand visual illustrations.
CSS Selectors Cheatsheet
CSS Selectors Cheatsheet


GRID GARDEN is a place to help you practice CSS Grid properties through 28 exercises with illustrations funny and easy to understand.

Flex Box Adventure

Flex Box Adventure is a place to help you practice learning about CSS Flexbox in a fun way with 24 levels from low to high.
Flex Box Adventure
Flex Box Adventure

CSS Animation

CSS Animation is a website that helps you apply CSS animation properties to get through the rounds in the game.
CSS Animation
CSS Animation

Design Patterns Game

Design Patterns Game is a quiz game that helps you to get general knowledge about design pattern in programming.
Design Patterns Game
Design Patterns Game


Jsrobot helps us practice creating functions in Javascript to move the robot through circles fight.


Regexone will help you learn how to apply Regular expressions in programming through practical exercises move from easy to difficult

Flexbox Froggy

Flexbox Froggy is a game about how to get frogs to specific locations using CSS flexbox property.
Flexbox Froggy
Flexbox Froggy


Dash is a free and fun online course that teaches you the basics of web development through the projects you make in the browser.


The CodinGame website lets you actually play games while coding. It makes us approach the problem one in a more relaxed, fun way as well as increasing interest in problem solving. CodinGame supports more than 25 language and here you can learn many algorithms and tricks from the best programmers in the world gender. It also goes from easy to difficult, so it is suitable for everyone's learning needs.


CodeWars website as its name suggests, this is where you solve each problem from easy to difficult to get can be ranked higher. On this website, the rank will be calculated according to the point called kyu and depends on the level of the problem that you solve will this score high or low. After finding a solution to a problem, you You can view other people's answers to compare how you write code and the efficiency of your code.


The Edabit website is a place where we can memorize the basics and advanced of a common language. through the problem solving directly on this page. It will automatically calculate points in xp every time you solve solve some problem. The more points, the higher the level. It's exciting when you and the programmers The other players compete for each other point by point to be able to lead the leaderboard, right? It also helps us Increases enjoyment in coding as well as thinking and problem solving like a real programmer.


SoloLearn is a place to help you easily learn and interact with many popular programming languages today like Python, Java, Javascript, C++... It provides two versions for two phones, Android and iOS. In addition, if you do not want to install it, it also provides a web app to help us learn online easy way. After you learn something new, it gives you practice exercises related to knowledge that formula so that we can remember it longer.


Grasshopper is a place to teach you javascript with fun designed lessons in a medium format learn while playing. It is arranged by level, when you complete the current task, you can continue. It Just like SoloLearn, it is developed on both mobile phones and web apps for your convenience everytime everywhere. In my opinion, it has an easy-to-understand daily example explanation for the features Important of Javascript programming language such as functions, loops...


Mimo is an application that helps us learn and write code on our phones with common languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python... It's also a place to help you develop your app development skills, games or create websites. The lessons will be divided into parts and the completion time is not too much, so we can easily study while taking a break, waiting for the bus... Everytime you finish a certain part then you will receive points or badges that help you see your progress day by day.


Encode is an application that helps us learn languages easily by practicing exercises with increasing difficulty. You can study anytime, anywhere, even when your phone can't connect to the internet. It's for for everyone from beginners to experienced programmers.

Programming Hero

Programming Hero is an application that helps beginners learn about web programming through courses learn HTML, CSS, Javascript.. and you can practice them right in the app. In addition, it also has sentences It's fun with different levels of response time and will give you badges and points every time you answer correctly. It There is also a forum where you can exchange and share with other programmers.
Programming Hero
Programming Hero

Through this, I hope the article will provide you with useful games and applications for playing development, web design and if you have any questions, just send an email and I will respond as soon as possible. Hope to see you again Please continue to support the site so that I can write more good articles. Have a nice day!

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