Level Up Your UI with CSS Transitions and Animations

Joan Ayebola - Jul 20 '23 - - Dev Community

CSS transitions and animations are essential features that enable developers to enhance the interactivity and visual appeal of web pages. These tools allow for the creation of smooth and engaging effects, bringing elements to life with dynamic motion. In this article, we'll dive deep into CSS transitions and animations, covering the concepts, properties and techniques associated with them. We'll provide detailed explanations, code snippets and illustrations to help you understand, implement these features effectively and also discuss the differences between CSS Transitions and Animations.

Understanding CSS Transitions

CSS transitions allow you to smoothly change the state of a CSS property over a period of time. These states can include changes in size, position, color, or opacity, among others. Transitions introduce gradual changes over a specified duration, adding a touch of elegance to web designs. To define a transition, you need to specify the CSS properties to transition, the duration, timing function and delay.

Let's consider an example where we chnage the background color of a button when it is hovered over:

In this example, when the mouse hovers over the button, the background color smoothly transitions from blue to red over a duration of 0.3 seconds.

Transition Properties

To create transitions, you can specify multiple CSS properties separated by commas using the transition-property property. Here are the commonly used transition properties:

  • transition-property: Specifies the properties to transition, such as background-color, width, transform, etc.
  • transition-duration: Defines the duration of the transition in seconds or milliseconds.
  • transition-timing-function: Sets the timing function that controls the acceleration and deceleration of the transition.
  • transition-delay: Adds a delay before the transition starts in seconds or milliseconds.

Timing Functions

The transition-timing-function property determines how the intermediate states of the transition are calculated. It controls the pace of the transition, allowing for different acceleration and deceleration effects. Here are some commonly used timing functions:

  • ease: This is the default timing function, providing a gradual start and end to the transition.
  • linear: Specifies a linear transition with a constant speed throughout.
  • ease-in: Results in a gradual start with a sudden end.
  • ease-out: Produces a sudden start with a gradual end.
  • ease-in-out: Combines a gradual start and end with a slight pause in the middle.
  • cubic-bezier: Allows you to define a custom timing function using cubic Bezier curves.

Shorthand Syntax

To simplify the process, you can use the shorthand property transition to define multiple transition properties in a single declaration. Here's an example:

.button {
  transition: background-color 0.3s ease-in-out;
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This shorthand is convenient when you want to apply the same timing and duration to multiple properties.

Exploring CSS Animations

CSS animations offer more advanced and complex control over element movement and transformation compared to transitions. Animations are created by defining a series of keyframes, which are points in time at which the element's properties have specific values.

Let's consider an example where we rotate a square continuously:

In this example, the square continuously rotates 360 degrees clockwise over a duration of 2 seconds, repeating infinitely.

Animation Properties

CSS animations are controlled through a set of properties. Here are some essential properties to create animations:

  • animation-name: Specifies the name of the keyframe animation.
  • animation-duration: Defines the duration of the animation in seconds or milliseconds.
  • animation-timing-function: Sets the timing function for the animation.
  • animation-delay: Adds a delay before the animation starts.
  • animation-iteration-count: Specifies the number of times the animation should repeat (infinite for endless looping).
  • animation-direction: Determines whether the animation plays forwards, backward, or alternates between both directions.
  • animation-fill-mode: Specifies the styles applied to an element before and after the animation.
  • animation-play-state: Controls whether the animation is running or paused.


Keyframes define the intermediate states or "key" moments of an animation. Each keyframe specifies a percentage or a specific time along with the styles to be applied at that point. Keyframes are defined using the @keyframes rule, followed by a name and a series of percentage-based or time-based keyframe selectors.

In our previous example, the @keyframes rotate rule defines two keyframes: 0% and 100%. At 0%, the square has no rotation (0deg), while at 100%, it has a full rotation (360deg).

Shorthand Syntax

Similar to transitions, you can use the shorthand property animation to define multiple animation properties in one declaration. Here's an example:

.square {
  animation: rotate 2s linear infinite;
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This shorthand is useful when you want to apply the same duration, timing function, iteration count, and other animation properties to an element.

Combining Transitions and Animations

CSS transitions and animations can be used together to create more complex effects. For example, you might use a transition to smoothly change the size of an element and an animation to rotate it continuously.

Here's an example that combines both:

In this example, the square smoothly transitions to a background color of red when hovered over, while continuously rotating.


  1. Purpose and Usage:

    • CSS Transitions: Transitions are primarily used to create smooth animated changes in CSS property values. They allow you to define the starting and ending states of an element and smoothly transition between them when a property value changes. Transitions are triggered by specific events, such as hover or click.
    • CSS Animations: Animations are more versatile and allow you to create complex, multi-step animations. They enable you to define a sequence of keyframes that specify how an element should appear at various points in time. Animations can loop indefinitely, pause, or have custom timing functions.
  2. Definition and Syntax:

    • CSS Transitions: Transitions are defined by specifying the properties to transition and their respective durations, timing functions, and delays. The transition effect occurs when the CSS property value changes.
   transition-property: width;
   transition-duration: 1s;
   transition-timing-function: ease;
   transition-delay: 0.2s;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • CSS Animations: Animations are defined by creating keyframes with intermediate states at specific percentages of the animation duration. Keyframes are then applied to the element using the animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function, and other animation properties.
   @keyframes myAnimation {
     0% { opacity: 0; }
     50% { opacity: 0.5; }
     100% { opacity: 1; }

   animation-name: myAnimation;
   animation-duration: 2s;
   animation-timing-function: linear;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. Complexity and Control:

    • CSS Transitions: Transitions are simpler and more straightforward to set up. They work well for single-property animations or basic transitions. Transitions are triggered when a property value changes, and the browser handles the intermediate animation states automatically.
    • CSS Animations: Animations offer more control and flexibility. They allow you to create complex, multi-step animations with precise control over the intermediate states at different keyframe percentages. Animations can include multiple properties and intricate timing patterns.
  2. Event-Based vs. Autonomous:

    • CSS Transitions: Transitions are typically event-based, meaning they are triggered by a specific event, such as hovering over an element or clicking on it. Transitions provide a smooth transition between the element's initial and final states based on the event trigger.
    • CSS Animations: Animations are autonomous and can start automatically or be triggered by an event. They can loop, pause, or run indefinitely without being tied to a specific event. Animations are often used for continuous or repeated effects.
  3. Browser Support:

    • CSS Transitions: CSS transitions are widely supported in modern browsers and have good cross-browser compatibility, including mobile browsers.
    • CSS Animations: CSS animations are also well-supported in modern browsers, including mobile browsers. However, some older browsers may require vendor-specific prefixes for certain animation properties.


CSS transitions and animations are powerful tools for adding motion and interactivity to web pages. Transitions provide smooth changes between different states of an element, while animations offer more complex and dynamic effects. By understanding the properties, timing functions, and keyframes associated with transitions and animations, you can create visually appealing and engaging web experiences.

Remember to experiment and combine these techniques to unlock even more creative possibilities. Have fun exploring the world of CSS transitions and animations, and elevate your web designs with captivating motion!

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