How to know if your test is flaky?

Samuel Durante - Mar 3 '23 - - Dev Community

What are Flaky Tests

Flaky tests are tests that pass sometimes, this can be due to some inconsistency inside it or other reasons.

How to debug a Flaky Test?

A way to find if a test is flaky is to run them N times, if at any point they fail this means that they are flaky.

Instead of repeatedly running tests and manually checking for failures, you can streamline the process by utilizing this script:

function jest-many-times-sequential() {
  SUCCESS_CHECKMARK=$(printf '\342\234\224\n' | iconv -f UTF-8)
  CROSS_MARK=$(printf '\342\235\214\n' | iconv -f UTF-8)

  until [ $i -gt $2 ]; do
    if yarn jest $1 --silent; then
      ((successes = successes + 1))
      echo "  $SUCCESS_CHECKMARK tests passed"
      ((failures = failures + 1))
      echo "  $CROSS_MARK tests failed"
    ((i = i + 1))


  echo "\n
  Ran Tests $totalTests times.\n
  ✅ Succeeded: $successes/$totalTests
  ❌ Failed: $failures/$totalTests
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

To use this script, just paste the code block into your terminal's configuration file (.zshrc or .bashrc) and then restart your terminal.

Then you can run the script as follows:

$ jest-many-times-sequential <path-of-your-test> <times-to-run>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

By running the tests N times sequentially, the script will automatically track the number of successful and failed runs, providing you with a final tally at the end.

Here is an example:

Now with this script we can validate if our tests are flaky or not.

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