Woovi Hiring Process

Danilo Assis - Nov 17 '22 - - Dev Community

One of the most requested pieces of information by people interested in working at Woovi is how our hiring process works. This post intends to show the hiring steps and characteristics we seek in potential employees.


Our hiring process is divided into two main phases: The interview phase and the challenge phase.

Both phases have their own particularities. Let's talk a little about each one below.

The challenge phase is the initial phase and it starts even before the first interview. At Woovi, it's important that the candidate has an understanding of what we do and our purpose. One can find such type of information in our Landing Pages.

The practical challenge is related to the applicant's skills and the open positions, and are usually dynamic and abstract.

You, as the applicant, could receive our default challenge or something tailored for you. You can take a look at our fullstack challenge here.

The challenge will be evaluated according to the seniority level you decide to apply for.


For example, If you apply for a junior position, we expect that you manage to move along the right path of the challenge (I'm not sure what you meant by right path), and that you behave proactively by asking, chatting and interacting on the channel we provide.

We expect that you do because we encourage that you publicize your learning in public


For a mid-level position, we expect that you fulfill the same criteria on the junior position, but with more assertiveness, proactivity, and knowing how to find solutions to the problems you could encounter during the challenge.


For a senior position, we expect that you can complete our challenge effortlessly, even if you came from another coding language.

For example, if you came from Python, it wont be a problem to learn javascript knowing the concepts behing code programming.

  • Data modeling (discuss and tradeoffs)
  • Architecture
  • Programming proficiency
  • Know concepts: immutability, pure function, state machine, event driven, crud, async vs sync
  • Written communication

We also assume you will be able to troubleshoot issues that might get you stumped. You should be able to also design part of our Architecture, so you can how the senior-level employee prepares themselves to develop new features.

During the interview phase you will have the chance to meet and talk with different members of our team, such as:

  • The recruiter;
  • A team member of the role you are applying for;
  • The team leader, which could be a tech lead or a manager;
  • The Department head;
  • The C level;


There are other characteristics pertaining to our hiring process:


Woovi's interview process is fully dynamic. You can start talking with our team before the challenge and vice versa. We always say that everyone can start our challenge even before starting the interview process.

Concise Hiring

We don't bet on fast hiring. We prefer to follow a concise path when hiring new talents. You will go through the whole interview process regardless of who you are. You will meet the team, participate in chatting and meeting calls, and do the challenge. You only be able to skip the challenge if yo have proof-of-work related to what we need.


If we conclude at the end of the hiring process that your profile matches our team's, the offered position, and the company's we will make an offer to you. We are consistently growing and opening new teams like sales, marketing, and other.

If you want to work in a startup in its early stages, This is your chance. Apply today!

Woovi is a Startup that enables shoppers to pay as they please. To make this possible, Woovi provides instant payment solutions for merchants to accept orders.

If you want to work with us, we are hiring!

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

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