Agile Vs. DevOps: Insights from Software Development Company

Jessica Bennett - Mar 27 - - Dev Community

DevOps has been the buzzword for any leading software development company for the last few decades. While it has some similarities with Agile methodology, these two also differ in several aspects.
This creates an indecision in choosing one of them to deliver the end result.
Knowing the nitty-gritty of Agile and DevOps can help developers choose the right one for their projects.
So, let’s explore!

Understanding Agile from Expert Software Development Company

The Agile methodology was developed to address the limitations of traditional and rigid development. “The Manifesto for Agile Software Development” introduced Agile practices, along with its core values, principles, and benefits in 2001.
These practices involve an unceasing iteration of the testing and development process. Thus, the Agile methodology advocates adapting changes and implementing an incremental process that aligns with the client’s business requirements.


Leading software development companies using Agile methodology adhere to the core values and principles as follows:

Prioritizing people interaction over rigid tools and processes

It prioritizes the importance of people and communication in a project to invigorate the work environment. Additionally, it emphasizes collaboration and team members putting their heads together instead of solely relying on tools and processes.

Focusing on tangible outcomes over extensive documentation

Long gone are the days of adhering to the comprehensive requirements documentation to initiate a development process. Agile eliminates document creation and values deliverable results. Thus, a result-driven software development company can focus on delivering a working software as a primary measure of progress and success.

Customer engagement instead of contractual negotiation

An ever-evolving custom software development process caters to a continual collaborative approach with the customers. Rather than relying on rigid contracts and briefs, Agile encourages the active involvement of the customers or stakeholders throughout the development process.

Embracing adaptability rather than adhering to predefined plans

Agile recognizes that change is inevitable in the software development process. One of the core values of Agile software development is flexibility and adaptability in requirements or technology. Therefore, Agile software developers value the feedback and evolving requirements and embrace changes instead of adhering to a predefined plan.


Software development companies are not unaware of the benefits of Agile. Some statistics indicate that almost 71% of the leading US companies have already embraced Agile. In addition, Agile projects have a nearly 64% success rate.
Want to know why? Check out below:

Faster time to launch

Agile development enables shorter development cycles, allowing frequent delivery of working software or product increments. This rapid iteration and deployment helps launch the product in the market in a shorter period.

Increased adaptability

Agile methodology advocates flexibility and adaptability that make a project responsive to change, even at the end stage. Thus, teams accommodate changing requirements, feedback, market conditions, and technologies.

Improved product quality

Agile focuses on a shorter development cycle and incremental improvement in each iteration. Thus, teams can identify and address issues early in the process, mitigating defects and improving product quality.

Better customer satisfaction

Continuous collaboration with stakeholders and customers throughout the process helps incorporate real-time feedback in each iteration. This leads a software development company to achieve customer expectations, resulting in higher satisfaction.

Enhanced team collaboration

Agile values collaboration and communication within a team. Such a cross-functional team with a shared vision and sense of responsibility fosters a proactive work environment.

Increased cost-efficiency

Agile promotes more efficient resource use by prioritizing value-driven development in a custom software development company. Thus, Agile helps maximize ROI and reduce overall project cost.

Visibility and transparency

Agile practices such as sprints, meetings, reviews, and burndown charts provide stakeholders with real-time visibility into the project’s progress. This transparency and visibility builds trust among the stakeholders and team members.

Risk management

Real-time feedback, change adaptability, and alignment with business goals eliminate unnecessary work. Also, teams can identify and eliminate risk early in the delivery cycle by delivering incremental functionality.

Exploring DevOps

The word DevOps breaks down into “Development” and “Operations”. Like the name, DevOps aims to foster collaboration between software developers and informative technology operatives.
In a result-centric software development company, the DevOps team combines developers and QA engineers to build, test, and release software.


Below are some of the core values and principles of DevOps:

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

DevOps promotes the adoption of CI/CD pipelines, which automate the process of integrating code changes and testing and deploying them. Thus, it enables the custom software developers to provide efficient and reliable software delivery.

Continuous testing and delivery

DevOps prioritizes continuous testing throughout the development process of a leading nearshore software development company. In addition, constant code integration allows for consistent delivery to the customers.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

DevOps encourages treating infrastructure configuration as code, using tools like Terraform or Ansible to define and manage infrastructure programmatically. This approach enables teams to provision and manage infrastructure resources consistently, efficiently, and reproducibly.


A core principle of DevOps is automation that aims to streamline and standardize processes throughout the development lifecycle. DevOps teams can reduce human error, improve efficiency and accelerate delivery times by automation.

More collaborative culture

DevOps breaks down silos and fosters cross-functional collaboration. Thus, it ensures that all stakeholders work towards a shared goal of delivering high-quality software efficiently.

Monitoring with Feedback

DevOps highlights the importance of monitoring applications and infrastructure in real time. Thus, a software development company can more precisely detect issues and gather feedback.


DevOps harmonizes with Agile development methods because it adopts certain aspects of Agile. According to Statista, the adoption rate of DevOps in source code management is 21%.
Check out the benefits of DevOps that bring the change:

Improved reliability and stability

DevOps practices such as automation, monitoring, and infrastructure as code improve system stability and reliability. Such standardized processes reduce human errors and minimize downtime.

Enhanced communication and collaboration

DevOps fosters a collaborative culture, shared responsibility, and transparency by breaking down silos between development and operations teams. This collaborative mindset enables faster problem-solving and decision-making.

Increased productivity and efficiency

By collecting and analyzing metrics, logs, and other telemetry data, DevOps teams can recognize performance bottlenecks. It helps them resolve issues, and utilize data-driven insights for system reliability and performance.

Alignment with business objectives

Meeting the business goals of the customers is essential for a successful software development company. DevOps practices are aligned with business goals by focusing on delivering value to customers quickly and reliably, contributing to organizational success.

Continuous improvement

DevOps promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement by embracing feedback, measuring performance metrics, and conducting regular retrospectives. Thus, DevOps teams can identify areas for improvement and implement changes to drive continuous innovation and excellence.

Ease of marketing

Automation, CI/CD, and IaC enable teams to launch software more frequently and reliably. This accelerated delivery cycle reduces time-to-market and allows companies to respond rapidly to ever-changing market demands.


DevOps practices lead to cost savings by optimizing resource utilization, reducing manual effort, and eliminating unnecessary downtime. Organizations can achieve greater ROI from their IT investments by streamlining processes and improving efficiency.

Key Difference Between Agile and DevOps

Any leading software developer company can be torn between these two when adopting a development process. Framing the key differences can help them choose the right one:

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Synergies Between Agile and DevOps

While walking through the understanding of both, DevOps has similarities with Agile methods. Check out below:

  • Shared Values: Both methodologies prioritize collaboration, adaptability, and delivering value to customers.
  • Continuous Improvement: Both Agile and DevOps encourage teams to reflect on their processes and make iterative improvements.
  • Cultural Alignment: Agile and DevOps foster a culture of collaboration, transparency, and shared responsibility.
  • Enhanced Outcomes: Combining Agile and DevOps can lead to faster delivery, improved quality, and increased customer satisfaction.

Can Agile Practices Work with DevOps?

Numerous software developer companies started integrating Agile and DevOps methodologies to elevate user satisfaction and foster collaborative teamwork.
Here’s how:

  • Properly Understanding the principles and practices of both Agile and DevOps is essential for successful integration.
  • Efficient collaboration of Agile teams with DevOps teams to streamline the software delivery process.
  • Agile teams can leverage DevOps practices such as automation and continuous integration within their sprint cycles.
  • Improvements in delivery speed, product quality, and customer satisfaction can measure success in integrating Agile practices with DevOps.
  • DevOps automation tools can enhance Agile practices by automating repetitive tasks and accelerating the delivery pipeline.

Final thoughts

Agile and DevOps represent two powerful software development approaches, each with unique principles, practices, and benefits. Organizations can leverage their complementary aspects by understanding the differences between Agile and DevOps. Thus, a leading software developer company can optimize its development processes to improve delivery speed, quality, and value to its customers.

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