How a Web Development Agency Secures Java EE Applications with Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Jessica Bennett - Jun 19 - - Dev Community

Ensuring that sensitive data and functionalities are accessible only to authorized users is a top priority for any leading web development agency. Therefore, building secure Java EE applications is essential.

Java EE is a popular framework for enterprise-level web development and provides robust features to safeguard sensitive information and functionalities.

One crucial aspect of this security is authorization in Java EE. This involves verifying user permissions before granting access to specific resources or actions within the application.

Java Authentication and Authorization Service helps organizations achieve this strong access control. Check out how.

What is Java Authentication and Authorization Service?

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) is a standard Java security framework. It is framed to let developers incorporate user-based authentication and authorization features into their applications. It supplants the previous code-centric security model, which depended on the code's source for access permissions. JAAS provides a more detailed method, concentrating on the user executing the code.

Purposes of JAAS

JAAS serves two primary purposes:
Authentication: This process includes confirming the user who is currently running the code. JAAS accomplishes this by using different methods, enabling programmers to incorporate various ways of verifying identity. These methods encompass using a username and password, LDAP integration, etc.
Authorization: After a user is verified, JAAS guarantees they have the required privileges to use certain resources or features in the app. This approval mechanism blocks access that shouldn't be granted and safeguards confidential information.

How does JAAS work?

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) can be an instrumental tool to secure secure Java EE Applications. Any reliable web development agency can leverage this to streamline a secure login process by leveraging several key components:


  • The CallbackHandler interface plays a crucial role during login. It acts as a bridge between the application and the user and is responsible for collecting credentials.
  • JAAS utilizes callbacks, which are essentially requests for specific information.
  • The CallbackHandler interacts with the user, typically prompting for a username and password through these callbacks.

The CallbackHandler dynamically generates callbacks requesting username and password. Then, it collects the user's input for these fields.


The LoginModule interface forms the heart of JAAS authentication. It's a pluggable component that encapsulates the logic for verifying a user's identity. The key feature of LoginModule is its flexibility. Top-rated web developers can create custom implementations to support diverse authentication methods. Here are some common examples:

  • Database authentication:

A custom LoginModule can connect to a database and verify if the provided credentials match a valid user record.

  • LDAP (Lightweight directory access protocol) integration:

Another LoginModule implementation can interact with an LDAP server to authenticate users against a centralized directory.

JAAS offers a set of LoginModule implementations, each specializing in a specific authentication approach. The chosen LoginModule receives the collected credentials from the CallbackHandler and performs the necessary checks based on the chosen authentication method (e.g., querying a database or LDAP server).


JAAS relies on configuration to specify which LoginModule to use for authentication in a web development agency. This configuration can be defined in a separate login configuration file or programmatically within the application. The configuration essentially acts as an instruction manual outlining the chosen authentication method (represented by the specific LoginModule) that the application should utilize during the login process.

In simpler terms, the configuration defines which authentication "tool" (LoginModule) the application should use from the available toolbox. This ensures the application follows the correct authentication procedure based on the chosen method.

How a leading web development agency uses JAAS to protect Java EE applications

Following are the steps a web development agency in New York follows to secure Java EE applications with JAAS:

Implement a CallbackHandler to collect user credentials

The CallbackHandler interface plays a vital role during login by gathering user credentials. It interacts with the user through callbacks, typically prompting for username and password.

Here's a code example of a simple CallbackHandler implementation that uses the console to collect credentials:

public class ConsoleCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {

  public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws UnsupportedCallbackException {
    Console console = System.console();
    for (Callback callback : callbacks) {
      if (callback instanceof NameCallback) {
        NameCallback nameCallback = (NameCallback) callback;
      } else if (callback instanceof PasswordCallback) {
        PasswordCallback passwordCallback = (PasswordCallback) callback;
      } else {
        throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callback);
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This implementation iterates through an array of Callback objects and handles specific types like NameCallback and PasswordCallback. It requests the user's password and username using the console and sets the retrieved values on the respective callbacks.

Create a LoginModule for user authentication

The LoginModule interface is responsible for the core authentication logic in a web development agency. Developers can implement custom LoginModule classes to handle various authentication methods (e.g., database lookup, LDAP integration).

Here's a simplified example in Java of an in-memory LoginModule that stores credentials for demonstration purposes:

public class InMemoryLoginModule implements LoginModule {

  private static final String USERNAME = "testuser";
  private static final String PASSWORD = "testpassword";

  private boolean loginSucceeded = false;

  public boolean login() throws LoginException {
    // Retrieve credentials from CallbackHandler
    NameCallback nameCallback = new NameCallback("username: ");
    PasswordCallback passwordCallback = new PasswordCallback("password: ", false);
    try {
      CallbackHandler callbackHandler = ...; // Get CallbackHandler instance
      callbackHandler.handle(new Callback[]{nameCallback, passwordCallback});
      String username = nameCallback.getName();
      String password = new String(passwordCallback.getPassword());
      if (USERNAME.equals(username) && PASSWORD.equals(password)) {
        loginSucceeded = true;
    } catch (IOException | UnsupportedCallbackException e) {
      // Handle exceptions appropriately
    return loginSucceeded;

  // Implement other required methods of LoginModule (initialize, commit, abort)
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This example LoginModule retrieves credentials from the provided CallbackHandler and compares them with pre-defined values. If a match is found, the login is successful. Real-world implementations would likely connect to external data sources for authentication.

Configure JAAS with the LoginModule details

JAAS relies on configuration to specify the LoginModule to be used. This configuration can be done in a login configuration file or programmatically.

Here's an example of a login configuration file entry for the InMemoryLoginModule:

jaasApplication { required debug=true;
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This configuration defines an application named jaasApplication that uses the The required flag indicates that this module is mandatory for successful login. The debug=true option enables debug logging for the LoginModule.

Initialize a LoginContext to start the authentication process

The LoginContext class is the entry point for JAAS authentication in a web development agency. It interacts with the configured LoginModule and performs the login process.

Here's how to initialize a LoginContext using the ConsoleCallbackHandler and the login configuration file in Java:

LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext("jaasApplication", new ConsoleCallbackHandler());
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This code creates a LoginContext instance for the application named jaasApplication and uses the ConsoleCallbackHandler to collect user credentials. The login() method initiates the authentication process by calling the configured LoginModule.

Once authenticated, check user permissions using the Java security policy

After successful authentication, JAAS associates the user with a Subject object. Permissions are defined within the Java security policy file, which grants specific access control rights to users or roles.

Here's a breakdown of the process:

Defining permissions:

Permissions are represented by subclasses of the Permission abstract class. Website developers in NYC can create custom permission classes to define specific access control needs. Here's a basic example in Java:

public class ResourcePermission extends BasicPermission {

  public ResourcePermission(String name) {
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This example defines a ResourcePermission that takes a resource name as a constructor argument.

Granting permissions in the security policy:

The Java security policy file specifies which users or roles have access to specific permissions. Here's an example policy entry:

grant principal testuser {
  permission "test_resource";

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This entry grants the test_resource permission to the user testuser. It uses the principal keyword to identify the user and the permission keyword to specify the permission being granted.

Checking permissions in the application:

Once permissions are defined and granted, the application can check user permissions using the SecurityManager class. Here's an example in Java:

Subject subject = loginContext.getSubject(); // Get Subject from LoginContext

public class ResourceAction implements PrivilegedAction {
  public Object run() {
    SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
    if (sm != null) {
      sm.checkPermission(new ResourcePermission("test_resource"));
    System.out.println("I have access to test_resource!");
    return null;
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Subject.doAsPrivileged(subject, new ResourceAction(), null);

This example retrieves the Subject object from the LoginContext. It then defines a PrivilegedAction that checks for the test_resource permission using the SecurityManager.checkPermission method. Finally, it calls Subject.doAsPrivileged to execute the action within the context of the authenticated user. This ensures the access of protected resources to only authorized users.

Authorization in JAAS in a web development agency

After successful user authentication, JAAS steps in to ensure users possess the necessary permissions to access specific resources or functionalities within the application. This process, known as authorization, safeguards sensitive data and prevents unauthorized access.

Defining permissions

Permissions are the fundamental components of access control in JAAS. They represent granular control over specific resources or actions within an application. Developers of a web development agency can create custom permission classes by subclassing the abstract class Permission. These custom classes define the specific resources or actions being protected.

Here's a basic example in Java:

public class ResourcePermission extends BasicPermission {

  public ResourcePermission(String name) {
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This example defines a ResourcePermission that takes a resource name as a constructor argument. This permission could be used to control access to specific files, databases, or functionalities within the application.

Granting permissions in the security policy

The Java security policy file acts as the central registry for defining user or role permissions. This file specifies which users or roles are granted access to specific permissions. Here's an example policy entry:

grant principal testuser {
  permission "test_resource";
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This entry grants the test_resource permission to the user testuser. The principal keyword identifies the user, and the permission keyword specifies the permission being granted. Developers can define complex access control rules by creating roles and associating permissions with those roles.

Checking permissions in the application

Once permissions are defined and granted, applications can leverage the SecurityManager class to enforce authorization checks. The SecurityManager class provides methods to verify if a user has the required permission to perform a specific action.

Here's an example in Java of how an application might check user permissions:

Subject subject = loginContext.getSubject(); // Get Subject from LoginContext

public class ResourceAction implements PrivilegedAction {
  public Object run() {
    SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
    if (sm != null) {
      sm.checkPermission(new ResourcePermission("test_resource"));
    System.out.println("I have access to test_resource!");
    return null;

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Subject.doAsPrivileged(subject, new ResourceAction(), null);

This code retrieves the Subject object associated with the logged-in user from the LoginContext. It then defines a PrivilegedAction that attempts to perform an action requiring the test_resource permission. The SecurityManager.checkPermission method verifies if the user's Subject has the necessary permission before allowing the action to proceed.

By implementing these steps, JAAS empowers developers to establish a robust authorization system within their Java applications. The combination of custom permissions, security policy configuration, and the SecurityManager class ensures that only authorized users can access protected resources and functionalities.


This was a thorough discussion on protecting a Java EE application with JAAS. A leading web development agency can safeguard its Java EE applications by leveraging JAAS. It helps ensure that user authentication and authorization are handled efficiently and securely, building trust and company reputation.

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