Latest Web Development Features to Incorporate into Your Business Website

Jessica Bennett - Aug 4 '23 - - Dev Community

Have you ever thought of what makes your business website unique? It is the features of the website. Besides using the latest framework, the web development company researches the features that can make their product competitive.

Besides making your website unique, incorporating the latest features can offer you the following benefits.

  • Increasing Engagement
  • Adding Value
  • Improve Visitor’s Experience
  • Boost SEO
  • Improve Accessibility

Let's come directly to the features you can add to your business website.

Diversity-based Design

While developing websites, it's essential to add an inclusive design. It is meant to appeal to a wide range of consumers, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or physical abilities. A well-planned website design is a powerful tool that creates an engaging user environment.

To make this attainable, comply with Section 504 guidelines. What you need to do is follow accessibility standards. This fosters inclusivity and equality in accessing digital resources. Provisions such as text-to-speech functionality, alt-text for images, and high-contrast settings for visually impaired users improve the UX factor.

Don't stereotype the build or make assumptions based on gender or other demographic characteristics. While there are trends and generalizations, every individual is unique. Each of their preferences and behaviors may not necessarily align with these trends.

CTA Buttons

A business website without a CTA button is similar to an offline shop without products. Obviously, it is not the latest website feature, but it is extremely important. A CTA is a prompt on a website that tells the user to take some action, such as "Sign Up," "Buy Now," or "Learn More."

CTAs are direct invitations for users to interact with the website. It significantly increases user engagement. The trend in website design is to make CTAs more compelling. This could involve personalizing the CTA based on the user's behavior. The web development company also positions the CTA based on eye-tracking studies. Additionally, experimenting with the wording, color, shape, and size of the CTA button can make it stand out and motivate visitors to take action.

Seamless Payment Integration

Integrating secure payment options is what every shoppers expect from a website. Highlighting the globally accepted payment methods adds credibility to your website and improves the user experience. For this, add logos of the payment service providers. Make sure that it is visible in the website's footer.
In this digital age, customers seek flexibility and convenience in online transactions. They prefer traditional credit or debit card payment options. You can also incorporate digital wallet options and even cryptocurrencies.

Moreover, the security of these transactions is also essential. For robust security, incorporate advanced encryption methods and two-factor authentication. Although a simple feature, secure payment integration impacts user trust and transaction convenience.

Social Media Section

Want to increase brand trust? Then, don’t skip this feature. Assuming that you have dedicated social media business pages, link all pages on your website footers. Visitors who are active on social media look for social media reviews before making a purchase from any new brands. The possibility of losing clients is high if you fail to leverage these platforms.

Ask your cms web design service providers to make it visible. You can display feeds from your social media profiles directly on your website. Such a strategy can make your social media integration more engaging. This could be an Instagram photo gallery, a Twitter feed displaying recent tweets, or a Facebook box showing your latest posts and likes.

Recognition and Badges

Recognition and badges are visual indicators of accomplishments, participation levels, incentivizing brand loyalty. Badges should be visually appealing and fit well with the website's design. The frontend team of the website development company typically uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making the badges responsive.

Depending on the source of the badges, developers might need to create a system for updating these badges. This can be done manually by updating the website content. It can be automated using APIs or a content management system.

FAQ Section

Adding FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions sections on the website is a way to solve the most-asked queries of users. These questions are based on your brand, products, and services offered. With this addition, you make it easier for users so they don't have to connect to the customer support team everytime they have queries. They simply scroll down the website and look for the answers.

FAQ is one of the best website features, facilitating product or service selling processes. However, it is done in a subtle way. Here's how:

  1. Note down a great thing about your product or service.
  2. Present it as an "answer".
  3. Develop a question that would lead to this "answer".

This would create interest in what you offer. It is a much better way than the aggressive marketing strategy.

Breadcrumbs Trail or Navigation

A breadcrumb is like a map that helps visitors know where they are on a website. It acts as a secondary navigation aid. It appears as a row of clickable links at the top of a page, showing the path users have come across. Each link is separated by an arrow-like symbol or ">".
For example, let's say a user is browsing a website with categories like Home > Products > Electronics > Smartphones. The breadcrumb would display these steps in order. It will allow users to easily backtrack if they want to return to a specific category.
Microsoft's Windows Vista first popularized this feature. Since then, it has emerged as a website navigation tool.

A professional web development company adds this feature to improve the user experience and make navigation more smooth.

XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a directory that acts as a guide for search engines. As a website owner, you would want search engines like Google to crawl the important pages in search results. It is a way to increase the visibility of websites. Sometimes, some pages may not have direct links. This makes it difficult for search engines to find and index those pages.

Here's where the XML sitemap plays a crucial part. It is a file with a list of all pages of your website. But, how does this XML sitemap function? When you submit this sitemap to search engines, it helps them navigate and crawl through your site more effectively.

Integrating Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a feature, or you may refer to it as a tool added to websites. It monitors how well a website performs and gives insights into visitors' actions. It lets website owners see where most of their website visitors come from and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and campaigns. Also, it tracks actions like purchases or items added to carts and identifies user engagement trends. It provides information about the visitors themselves, like their demographics. Every modern retail website considers Google Analytics to gather and study data on customer behavior, helping them enhance their marketing strategies.

To Brief

A website without relevant features is like a cup without base. It is the feature that increases the utility of a website. To get your website built correctly, hire dedicated web developers and communicate your business needs. This does not take much of a toll. Only the right strategy would suffice. You may not get it right. So, it is recommended to get expert advice.

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