SVG, Geometry — and a dash of JavaScript

Mads Stoumann - Sep 6 '22 - - Dev Community

I'm currently reading Science Illustration — A History of Visual Knowledge from the 15th Century to Today. Highly recommended! Great books on science and/or design, are always a source of inspiration for me.

Science Illustration

The book is a treasure trove of great illustrations — and some of them are just meant to be coded in <svg>! ... like this one (sorry for the bad quality, picture taken with my phone):

Interconnecting lines

Luckily, it's not overly complex to do in <svg>.

We just need a bit of Math and JavaScript.

To start with, we need a canvas:

<svg viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"></svg>
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Now, we need some data!

The viewBox has a size of 1000, and we need 16 points around the circle:

const size = 1000;
const radius = size / 2;
const numOfPoints = 16;
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Next, let's create an array of points:

  const data = [ Array(numOfPoints)].map((_a, index) => {
    const angle = 360 / numOfPoints;
    const radian = angle * (index + 1);
    return polarToCartesian(radius, radian)
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We need a small helper-method, polarToCartesian, to get the coordinates of our 16 points:

const polarToCartesian = (r, degrees) => {
    const radians = degrees * Math.PI / 180.0;
    return [r + (r * Math.cos(radians)), r + (r * Math.sin(radians))]
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A method like this typically needs x and y as well, but since these are the same as radius (in this case), we can go for a simpler version.

Cool, now we have an array of arrays:

  [961.9397662556433, 691.3417161825449],
  [853.5533905932738, 853.5533905932737],
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For each point, we need to draw a line to all the other points, feeding in the X and Yof the current point:

const renderLines = (X,Y) => {
    return => {
      const [x,y] = entry;
      if (X !== x && Y !== y) return `<line x1="${X}" y1="${Y}" x2="${x}" y2="${y}"></line>`
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Now, the only thing remaining is to call that method and set the returned string as innerHTML of our <svg>:

svg.innerHTML = => {
    const [x,y] = entry;
    return renderLines(x,y).join('');
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Let's see what we've built:

BW Interconnecting Lines

Looks great, but a bit dull! Let's add a method for generating random values between a min and a max-range:

const random = (max, min = 0) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
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... and then use it to create random colors and stroke-widths:

const stroke = `hsl(${random(360)}, ${random(100, 50)}%, ${random(90, 30)}%)`;
const strokeWidth = random(30, 3) / 10;
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Colour Interconnecting Lines

Much better! Let's try to change the numberOfPoints-variable to a much lower value:

Fewer points

Or perhaps a much higher value?

Many points

Wow! Almost like a kaleidoscope. Or a rubber-ball!


I hope this little post inspired you to do some creative things with <svg>.

Below is a Pen, where you can drag the "points"-slider to in- or decrease the number of points.

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