A Cheatsheet/Crash Course For Git

Arafat - Dec 23 '22 - - Dev Community

Here is a cheat sheet for some commonly used Git commands:


  • git config --global user.name "Your Name": Set your name to be used as the commit author
  • git config --global user.email "your@email.com": Set your email to be used as the commit author

Creating Repositories

  • git init: Initialize a new Git repository
  • git clone <repository>: Clone an existing repository

Making Changes

  • git status: Check the status of your repository
  • git add <file>: Add a file to the staging area
  • git add . : Add all modified and new files to the staging area
  • git commit -m "message": Commit changes with a message
  • git reset HEAD <file>: Remove a file from the staging area

Viewing History

  • git log: View the commit history
  • git diff: View changes that have not been staged
  • git diff --staged: View changes that have been staged

Working with Remotes

  • git remote add <name> <url>: Add a remote repository
  • git push <name> <branch>: Push changes to a remote repository
  • git pull <name> <branch>: Pull changes from a remote repository


  • git branch: List all branches
  • git branch <name>: Create a new branch
  • git branch -d <name>: Delete a branch
  • git checkout <name>: Switch to a branch


  • git merge <branch>: Merge a branch into the current branch

Stashing Changes

  • git stash: Stash changes
  • git stash list: View a list of stashes
  • git stash apply: Apply the latest stash
  • git stash drop: Discard the latest stash


  • git tag <tagname>: Create a new tag
  • git tag -a <tagname> -m "message": Create a new tag with a message
  • git tag -d <tagname>: Delete a tag
  • git push --tags: Push tags to the remote repository

Reverting Changes

  • git revert HEAD: Revert the last commit
  • git revert <commit>: Revert a specific commit


  • git reset HEAD: Reset the staging area to the last commit
  • git reset --hard HEAD: Reset the staging area and working directory to the last commit
  • git reset --hard <commit>: Reset the staging area and working directory to a specific commit


  • git config --global alias.<alias_name> <git_command>: Create aliases for commonly used commands
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