Bank Account Summary II | LeetCode | MSSQL

Retiago Drago - Jun 30 '23 - - Dev Community

The Problem

Table: Users

Column Name Type
account int
name varchar

account is the primary key for this table. Each row of this table contains the account number of each user in the bank. There will be no two users having the same name in the table.

Table: Transactions

Column Name Type
trans_id int
account int
amount int
transacted_on date

trans_id is the primary key for this table. Each row of this table contains all changes made to all accounts. amount is positive if the user received money and negative if they transferred money. All accounts start with a balance of 0.

Problem: Write an SQL query to report the name and balance of users with a balance higher than 10000. The balance of an account is equal to the sum of the amounts of all transactions involving that account.

Sample Input and Output

Users table:

account name
900001 Alice
900002 Bob
900003 Charlie

Transactions table:

trans_id account amount transacted_on
1 900001 7000 2020-08-01
2 900001 7000 2020-09-01
3 900001 -3000 2020-09-02
4 900002 1000 2020-09-12
5 900003 6000 2020-08-07
6 900003 6000 2020-09-07
7 900003 -4000 2020-09-11


name balance
Alice 11000

Explanation: Alice's balance is (7000 + 7000 - 3000) = 11000. Bob's balance is 1000. Charlie's balance is (6000 + 6000 - 4000) = 8000.

The Solution

We present three different SQL queries to solve the problem. Each of them uses different SQL concepts, like aggregate functions, subqueries, and Common Table Expressions (CTE).

Source Code 1

This code is the simplest. It joins Users with Transactions on account, groups by name, and sums the amount for each group. The HAVING clause filters out the groups with a balance not greater than 10000.

    SUM(t.amount) [balance]
FROM Users u JOIN Transactions t ON u.account = t.account
HAVING SUM(t.amount) > 10000
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The runtime of this code is 683ms, beating 51.44% of submissions.

Source Code 2

This code uses window function SUM() OVER(PARTITION BY to calculate the balance for each user. Then it filters the users with balance greater than 10000.

        SUM(t.amount) OVER(PARTITION BY [balance]
    FROM Users u JOIN Transactions t ON u.account = t.account
) a
WHERE balance > 10000
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This code runs in 1262ms, beating 5.10% of submissions.

Source Code 3

This code does the same as Source Code 2, but with a CTE to improve readability.

WITH result AS (
        SUM(t.amount) OVER(PARTITION BY [balance]
    FROM Users u JOIN Transactions t ON u.account = t.account
FROM result
WHERE balance > 10000
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The runtime of this code is 1143ms, beating 5.10% of submissions.


These solutions illustrate different approaches to the problem. However, based on the LeetCode metrics, the first solution seems to be the most efficient, likely because it doesn't rely on window functions which could add overhead in certain SQL engines.

From best to worst in terms of LeetCode performance, we rank the solutions as follows:

  1. Source Code 1
  2. Source Code 3
  3. Source Code 2

Please note, the performance on LeetCode might not always translate directly to performance in a real-world RDBMS. Factors such as database engine optimizations, hardware, and the distribution of data can affect performance in ways that may not be reflected in these rankings.

You can find the original problem at LeetCode.

For more insightful solutions and tech-related content, feel free to connect with me on my Beacons page.

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